How to make your own Textile/Wood Wall Art

Nov 3, 2020

Welcome Crafters, Makers, and Artists!!

So excited you're here and looking forward to creating unique art with you!!

You've come to the right place for directions and hopefully all your questions answered about creating your own Textile/Wood Wall Art. Grab your Regenerous Designs kit, supplies, tools, and follow along with the video below. Let's get started!!

** If you do not have a DIY kit, purchase one HERE **


1.    Peel tape off back with pattern pieces still stuck on tape (take all pieces out)

* (This helps you keep track of what pieces go where)


2.    Pick out which fabric(s) to use (for sheer fabrics or thin fabrics, add a second layer of matte or sparkly material so it does not slide through after you cut it off)


3.    Line up the fabric, in the wooden hole, in the position you want it from the back of the wood


4.    Hold fabric in place while flipping the wood design face down on the table

* (NOTE: Only insert the shapes with the design FLAT on the table. If you try to push it in with your fingers while holding it in the air, there's a chance it might break.)


5.    Place wood piece into the hole over the fabric from the back


6.    Press pattern piece into the wood with a bowl or lightly tap with a hammer

* (NOTE: Make sure the piece is going in smoothly and even on all sides. If it goes in at an angle where one corner gets wedged in and you try to force it, there's a chance it might break.)


7.    Cut the excess fabric around the pattern piece in the back


8.    Continue with all pattern pieces until the design shape is filled in


9.    Use glue and paintbrush to cover the back of the artwork over the pattern pieces/excess fabric

* (Do not use too much glue, just enough to go around shapes)


10. Space out where you want the nails/tacks to go to secure the the design onto the backwood frame

* (NOTE: Use the larger nail to start a pilot hole where you want the smaller nails to go. This makes it easier to hammer them in straight.)

(Tap once, wiggle the nail and remove. Tap twice, wiggle the nail and remove, etc...)


11. Hammer the nails into place

* (Using pliers to hold the nail straight makes this easier)


12. Place your design facedown on a towel or any type of cushion


13. Look for the dot and pilot hole markings on the back to indicate where to place the sawtooth hanger

* (Make sure the sawtooth hanger is facing the correct direction)

14. Hammer the sawtooth hanger in place

* (Do not hammer in middle. Just on each side)


15. Place triangle stopper about 1” from the center of bottom on back (wood glue in place)

16. *Optional* - If you want to take it a step further, you can add paint to the trim around the back board or anywhere else that inspires you

* (For this, you will need paint, a paintbrush, cup of water and a dish for the paint)

17. YOU DID IT!! Congratulations!! Now as an official artist you might also want to sign and date your work.

** If you do not have a DIY kit, purchase one HERE **

DIY art kit craft project - textile and wood cactus
Cactus have the ability to thrive in intense conditions, being adaptable and strong they found a way to grow in barren desert wastelands. Their endurance, tenacity, and strength in the face of adversity allow them to survive even when it seems impossible. Sometimes we all forget our inner strength and feel a little defeated. But hopefully, this cactus on your wall will serve as a reminder to stay strong, endure and remember that the essence of both your truth and your beauty comes from within.

DIY art kit craft project - textile and wood flower
A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is YOU. Keep growing and becoming the beautiful unique flower you are meant to be.

Common Questions:

What if I do not like how the fabric looks in the piece?

-      You can pop out the wood piece and rearrange as many times as you want

What if I want to use one fabric for the whole design?

-      Start by placing the fabric in the center then work out to fill the rest of the pieces. You'll need to leave a little bit of a gap in the fabric on the back. If you're using the same fabric for a couple of pieces next to each other, the fabric might be too tight and pull, causing one of the shapes to pop out.

Having difficulty with flipping and squishing of fabric

-      Watch the video for close up explanation and examples

How much fabric should be left on the back?

-      Cut it pretty close so the fabric does not fold over into the shapes next to each other, but it does not have to be right against the wood

Having a hard time getting the piece in

-      Make sure you have it facing the right way (front is facing front and not the back)

-      Make sure it is at the right angle, sometimes it helps to place pieces in the right position to the side of the wood

       (Watch the video for close up explanation and examples)

How far in should the pattern piece be?

-      Try to make it flat (flush with the front), sometimes cutting off the excess fabric on the back will let you push the pattern piece in more

What do I do if my design piece is bowing?

-      That's totally normal

-       Once you attach it to the wood background with nails it will straighten/flatten out

** If you do not have a DIY kit, purchase one HERE **

DIY art kit craft project - textile and wood cross
There's no truer unconditional love greater than Gods. This cross represents the struggles, sins, and burdens that Jesus carried and the ultimate sacrifice made for all of us. This cross is our reminder of that sacrifice. The carefully placed heart at the center of the cross is our reminder for His open heart and everlasting love for us.

DIY art kit craft project - textile and wood abstract circle
Here's to those moments of meaningful coincidence when what we're thinking keeps popping up. Those strings of events that, at first might feel random, ultimately lead you to what you've been working towards. What seems like an abstract circle represents how everything is connected. Thoughts become things. So choose the good thoughts.

DIY educational art kit craft project for kids - textile and wood solar system space galaxy planets astronaut

Learn about our Solar System with this educational art project!! Easy enough for kids, fun for the whole family!!

This is the easiest design to do because all the shapes are circles, so it doesn't matter what direction the piece goes in. Great for beginners and kiddos age 5 and up, with parental supervision. (The end steps require hammering nails so parents might need to do that part)

Comes with a mini Regenerous Rocket that can be attached to the front of the design or left loose to play with and fly around to all of the planets.

** If you do not have a DIY kit, purchase one HERE **

Intern Cassidy Dutton working on her DIY educational art kit craft project for kids - textile and wood solar system space galaxy planets astronaut
The Solar System kit was designed by Intern Cassidy Dutton​

We hope you had SO MUCH FUN creating your new Textile/ Wood Wall Art!! We'd LOVE to see your finished design and cheer for you. It would mean a lot if you shared a photo on social media (Instagram is our favorite) and tag @RegenerousDesgns, #RegenerousArt #RegenerousDesigns.

* (NOTE: If your account is private, I won't get notified or be able to see if you tag me. Please don't let that stop you. Send me a direct message and let me know so I can connect with you, follow you back, and see your beautiful work.) *

Can't wait to see what you create!!

Regenerous Designs DIY art kit craft project - textile and wood cactus
DIY art kit craft project package - textile and wood cactus

I hope you had fun and your creation was a success. If you have any other questions that weren't covered here. Please reach out to and I'd be delighted to help!!